Training with a Baby + Injury

Training with a baby + Injury

Hey guys and thank you for taking the time to read this blog! If you have had experience in this area I would love to hear how you delt with things and obstacles you overcame

Right now our baby George is 14 weeks old and we are absolutely over the moon with him! He’s so funny and smiley and we couldn’t of wished for anything more.

He’s getting bigger by the day and making us laugh all the time!

We are both having to make changes to our training routine that once was when we didn’t really have any commitments. Although I didn’t think having a baby would make a huge difference it really does, but in a good way! In a way it will most probably force us maximise the time we do have and use that time wisely and effectively. 

We have been tagging in and tagging out and working together so we can still get our exercise fix for the day! Sometimes this means spending a few hours at David Lloyd so we can both have a swim and feed before heading home! For some people this simply would not be possible so we are lucky that my work allows us to do that! I take my hat off to couples that both have full time jobs and are trying to raise a child and also keep to some sort of training routine!

What I would say to other parents that are struggling is to understand that every day is different and to take the opportunity to train when you can. Try not to force things and be grateful for any time to exercise 🙂 You will need to give up some things and its important to prioritise what is more important to you! Setting your alarm at 5am and doing your training before the family wake up or after they go to bed may be a option and if you want it bad enough you will do it!

As for injuries… Ever since the row I have not felt right! Whether that be back pain, lower abdominal pain, adductor pain, calf and Achilles etc. Ive had injuries in all those area since the row!

Spending 36 days sitting down really effected my posture and as a result has given me really tight hip flexors and psoas muscles. Pulling my pelvis into a anterior ( Forward) pelvic tilt. Since then ive had a MRI scan and its been confirmed I have the start of arthritis in my hips and sciolosis in my spine. Mentally this has really effected me and the injuries haven’t really stopped since January 2020! It would be nice to wake up and not feel any pain again but I guess thats the consequence of doing extreme endurance events and training hard for 10 years!

Even with the injuries I managed to string together a decent block of training or 2 this year and get some semi decent results. I know I can do better but my body won’t allow me to go where I know my mindset and drive can take me! I still feel like ive got more to give and better results to achieve but I’m not sure whether to let that dream go now and deal with what ive got!

I still get a huge sense of satisfaction watching my clients achieve what they’ve set out to and hit new PB’s and will continue to take pride in the services I provide. 2023 will be a busy year and I’m hoping to bring some new services into play in 2023!

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Coach Sam 

