
The ‘perfect storm’ of a milestone birthday, lethargy recovering from an operation and the on-set of high blood pressure made me feel quite depressed about myself. I had never set foot in a gym, but literally pushed through the door by my worried wife, I was more than lucky that Sam was on the other side. That was three years ago. Now, nearing 63, I now find myself stronger, more active and more body-confident than I can ever remember. Sam has had tireless patience during my journey to my 100Kg deadlift, a 5K time around 26 minutes and a current metabolic age of 47! All from a standing, injured start. His training sessions are impeccably planned, always challenging- never daunting. He has a genuine interest in my fitness which extends beyond the actual sessions with regular motivational messages to keep my journey on track. His approach has enabled a complete recovery from my operation and a decrease to safe blood pressure. Sam has made me feel comfortable in the gym environment. I regularly extend my mentored sessions using his training plans and carefully structured goals to enhance our work together on my own. Sam has taught me a good understanding of technique so I can achieve and stay safe. He is always modest about his own incredible achievements, but these give him genuine understanding of wanting you to be the best you can be. So, thank you Sam, it’s a life-changing experience working together and one I would recommend, without reservation, to anyone considering embarking on a similar journey to personal fitness whatever their age or starting point.